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एलडीपीई शीट

250 माइक्रोन एलडीपीई पॉलीइथिलीन शीट

LDPE geomembrane lining for water tank is used to form a protective barrier, has good heat resistance and cold resistance, good chemical stability, high rigidity and toughness, good mechanical strength, environmental stress crack resistance and tear resistance strength performance, as the density increases, the mechanical properties and barrier properties will increase accordingly, heat resistance and tensile strength. Also higher resistance to corrosive liquids such as acids, alkalis and organic solvents, etc

मछली पालन के लिए LDPE शीट

LDPE/HDPE Plastic sheet is suitable for lining shrimp ponds/fisheries as both sheets incorporate anti-ultraviolet substances, can resist deterioration by UV light resulting in long lasting period. These sheets are flexible and come in bundles/rolls that can be easily fused or glued together during installation.

जल जलाशय के लिए LDPE शीट

ï Lining of pounds and reservoirs improves water availability over a longer period of time . ï It is highly useful in porous soils where water retention in pound and water harvesting tanks is minimal. ï This technique can also be used in the lining of salt pans for improving productivity as well as quality of salt. ï Technique is suitable for effluent pounds and channels to reduce soil and ground water contamination. ï Economical and effective method of strong water. ï Prevents loss of water through seepage.

प्लास्टिक शीट को साफ करें

Greenhouse covers are a key component in greenhouse construction. The ideal greenhouse covers are manufactured using a UV stabilizing additive to protect them from UV degradation and help them retain their original properties. The type of plant grown will determine the amount of light transmission needed and the type of material to be used. Polyethylene film is a popular material to use for covering greenhouses. It has a low initial cost and requires limited structural materials and effectively diffuses sunlight. It is recommended to install a double layer of plastic film with airspace in between. This can reduce heating costs upto 40% as compared to other greenhouse cover materials. Benefits of HDPE/LDPE coverings of Greenhouse Cost effective/reduction UV stabilized Improvement in quantity of farming products Easy installation